What is Big Data and is it really so Big?
"Big Data" is a hot term this days. We all hear "Big Data here", "Big Data there", "Big Data everywhere". All sounds fancy and yet mysterious a bit. But what is Big Data? Was there Big Data in the past or it was born recently? What does "Big Data around us" means? Can we touch it? Obviously there is no a single definition for the Big Data and everyone may define it differently while also confusing the true meaning of this term. The funny part is that few decades ago a sentence " I have a challenge how to process our Big Data" - would probably imply that employee is not qualified enough. But saying the same this days sounds good and perhaps implies that employee is well qualified and working on the real challenges. So what have changed in the last few decades? Imagine a first grade kid who just got his first homework assignment and he is about to share the shocking news with his parents "Mom, Dad! I got 10 pages ...