
Showing posts from November, 2020

Brew your beer at home - cooling the wort

Cooling the wort is a very important phase in the beer making process. Once you finished boiling the wort, it need to be cooled  to reach about 24℃ as fast as possible. The faster you cool the wort, so less it will became contaminated with unwanted bacterias.  I tried all kind of approaches to cool the wort.  I initially bought a cooling spiral. While on the paper this was a perfect approach, in reality it was a waste of money for me. The main problem was, how to flow the cold water throw the cooling spiral. Connecting spiral to water tap is not good  enough as the water from the tap is not so cold.  I then tried to put a water tank filled with ice above the beer vessel, connect one pipe to the water tank and siphon water from the second pipe.  This allowed to water flow from the tank throw cooling spiral, while i collect water on the other side. This was still complicated and from time to time pipes were disconnecting causing flooding. Investing in buying ...